
New syntax for async/await in Rust

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Categories: [Technical]
Tags: [Rust]


I did not (yet) described Rust in my blog. So to be quick, Rust is a programming language (and no I will never talk about the game with the same name.) which aim at providing high level ecosystem and functionalities to low level languages. That is if you come from a low level language background. If you come from a scripting/high level language Rust aim at bringing you low level execution speed while keeping you in your usual ecosystem (npm, pip, …).

My experience

After this quick introduction to Rust, I should briefly point out that I'm learning Rust "for fun" since last summer by reading "the book". I'm creating a crate that should be close to it's publication… when I find some motivation to do so 😅.

I have glanced over the uses of async/await in some languages but never used it myself. So I will not pretend to have a strong opinion on the proposed syntax by the lang team, I use it as a starting point.

The proposed await syntax

So, to come back to this post's subject: the Rust lang team proposed to introduce a new syntax to use the Future await keyword. It is the dot await syntax as they call it.

Even if I'm more used to prefix syntax (match {}, if {}, …) than the postfix one, I don't think I'm competent to judge this debate.

My problem with it

I don't think the dot keyword syntax is perfect as is. Sure if you compare it to the method syntax it's like a parenthesis less version, and why not. But on the other hand it's exactly the property syntax. If a function return a struct: fn get_foo -> struct, I may want to use only one property of it like get_foo().bar… and that look too much like the dot await notation. It may not be the idiomatic use, but I know that I'm doing it when hacking some JS.

My proposition

When reading I thought of commas await: foo(),await but it may not be practical nor doable because commas are already separating arguments, even without space.

I like the idea of reserving the ! for magic elements. Anytime you want to do some ways but need the help of some (compiler?) magic:

By the way please, do not create !match or any normal control flow with this syntax. Keep this syntax exclusively without argument. You want to introduce !await as a keyword because we can't create this functionality as a function/macro/method. Then stay true to your words: a keyword cannot have parameters. Maybe a !loop for infinite loop on a function on even !panic or !unwrap if we need it for… something. I'm not sure I really want that either.

If you want that one of the next keywords to have parameters, then I would prefer you go to one of my proposed method like syntax and put the arguments in the parenthesis. This way the postfix keywords enforced by the compiler keep a consistent syntax with or without parameters.


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